Monday, June 7, 2010

Princess Mononoke

In order to satisfy their own needs for land and resources, Man is encroaching on their sacred territory, cutting down the trees and destroying everything else that stand in their path. As a result, the gods became angry.

While fighting to save his village from the attack of a demon-god Ashitaka comes in contact with it and is inflicted with a deadly curse. In his search for a cure he is forced to leave his village forever and journey to the forest inhabited by animal gods. There he finds himself in the middle of a war between the forest gods and a village led by lady Eboshi.

Not far from the heart of the sacred forest where the great Deer God dwells, a new town called Irontown is founded. Conflict seems inevitable.

A young girl, raised by wolves, and a warrior bearing a curse inflicted by the hatred of a dying Boar God are trying to make things right. Will they succeed?

Action, Adventure, Fantasy

Story - 5 (Great)
This anime has a great way of getting you interested quickly and wanting to find out what happens next. Very close to the beginning you already get some action in which the town gets attacked by a demon god boar and the main character Ashitaka gets cursed. He is then sent on a journey to understand the origin of what caused the boar's death in an effort to possibly cure his curse as well (instead of just sitting there and rotting to death, might as well try to do something about it right?!). Further into the story, Ashitaka finds himself between the war of humans and the forest animals. This story will really make you think about the morality of what's right and wrong. But sometimes things aren't so simple as you will find out. What about San who is human but believes she's a wolf and stays with the animals? Overall the story is great, it'll make you want to find out what Ashitaka will do to resolve the conflict between the two sides and if it'll be solved at all without great loss. The animal gods are really cool too ;p

Music/Sound - 5 (Great)
The hymn sounds really beautiful.. I bet it'll get stuck in your head or you'll be humming it after watching.

Art/Animation - 4 (Good)
There are some blood and gore scenes like body parts flying off in battle. You might squirm a bit when you see the demon gods ;p spurting bloody all over. But if you're okay with that stuff then no problem :) Don't worry it's not as bad as it sounds lol.

Character - 3 (Average)
Well personally I thought the characters were static from beginning to end. You have the pragmatic Lady Eboshi of Iron Town who does what she must to survive and protect her people. Then you have the opposing side which is San(half wolf girl) and the animals who despise and want to kill the humans for destroying their forest. Finally, you have the good guy Ashitaka who is the mediator and stays neutral. He doesn't fully take either side but constantly switches between helping one side and then the other. He just wants to do what's right and have peace! :p Oh and you have the greedy hunters too. You get those hints pretty early into the anime so it sets the story up... but I didn't think the characters changed much or at all so that's why I gave it an average score for development.

Humor - 2 (Below Average)
This anime is a bit on the serious side but it also tries to use humor throughout the movie. There weren't many parts to laugh at besides the people of Irontown and maybe the wolves. If you think the forest beings look funny too I guess.

Overall - 5 (Great)
If you like fantasy, giant animals, nature and wolves ;p, or looking for a thoughtful story then you'll want to watch this. I recommend to everyone.