Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gunslinger Girl

Officially, the Social Welfare Agency is a government sponsored corporation that's in the business of saving lives. At least, that's the ruse. In reality, it's an agency on the fringe of technology. They give terminal patients another shot at life using cybernetic implants. This conditioning process then shapes the patient into an efficient machine for handling all of the government's dirty work.

They've been given a second chance at life, but at what cost?

Action, Science-Fiction

13 episodes (325 minutes)


Story - 1 (Bad)
The story is basically about a secret organization that conditions children into becoming skilled assassins. Each child must take orders from their handlers and protect them at all costs, even if it means their own life. There isn't really much of a story to follow as it revolves more around the characters backgrounds and relationships than reaching an actual goal. There are several missions the girls take on though that they try to accomplish and the action is pretty good :) but other than that.. I don't think there was an actual goal of a greater cause. Maybe just considering if these child cyborgs are perfect weapons or not..

Music/Sound - 5 (Great)

Art/Animation - 5 (Great)
There is a lot of violence and blood during the missions. The graphics look really nice, smooth, and shiny! All the girls look cute/adorable as well.

Character - 5 (Great)
I think they did a really good job developing the characters since I'm guessing that was their main focus ;p. You get to learn about each of the girl's past, how they feel in the present, and the issues they deal with. The relationship between them and their handlers are also explored pretty deeply and you get to compare how they all differ from each other. Although, Henrietta's character will be examined more closely than the others so you will really get a sense of what she's like. These girl's stories can be very sad :( so you might want to have some tissues handy! Because they do such a great job at developing the characters, you'll really start to question the morals of the organization and if the girls are really just weapons of destruction, merely tools to be used, or are they just normal girls? How should they be treated? What about the handlers? and perhaps other questions will pop into your mind as you continue to watch.

Humor - 1 (Bad)
I don't think they used humor at all. If you're looking for something funny, this isn't it. It's a serious anime even though ;p it's about a bunch of little girls with weapons lol.

Overall - 4 (Good)
If you don't mind an anime that focuses on character story and relationships then you may enjoy this. Especially if you want to see little girl assassins in action! And want to find out more about them. :p