Friday, May 28, 2010

How I Rate my Reviews

These are my own personal opinions/thoughts on the material that I'm reviewing.. so keep that in mind. You might not have similar tastes as me so take these ratings as just a different perspective if they don't coincide with yours. If your tastes are similar to mine ^^ then hopefully my reviews will be helpful in finding movies/anime you'd enjoy too! And I Try NOT to include Any or Too much SPOILERS


I'm going to grade the Overall story. So if a show is great in the beginning but gets bad towards the end.. or has a very un-fulfilling ending, the score might go down. I'm going to grade the story as a whole. For it to have at least a good rating, it has to have what every story needs.. beginning, middle, ending with a climax and resolution. It needs to have a specific goal.. what is it that they are trying to accomplish? If it doesn't have those basic elements, it will be graded on the low scale.

5 - Excellent story and memorable. Either it was very interesting, great twists, or just had a great way of sucking you into the story and wanting to find out more. Climatic and fulfilling ending (even if it doesn't answer all questions, it should at least fit and have a good wrap up). Usually has morals and lessons that can be learned.
4 - Good story that can be memorable. Like rating 5 but not as fulfilling. There may be many answers left unanswered even with a thoroughly told story. Moral, lessons, or messages can be learned from this kind of story.
3 - Average story. It has the basic elements of any decent story. It doesn't really grab the viewers attention right away but it might towards the middle or end. It's more of a roller-coaster ride, where at times you'll be interested and into it and at other times in the show it'll slow down and get boring. Just doesn't have enough elements in the story to pull the viewers into the story but still good enough to watch and get enjoyment out of it.
2 - Below average Story. A very slow build up.. sometimes leaving the viewer confused as if there really is a story and where it's going. Or the story does not seem to build up and is not consistent. Is not very attention grabbing at all and feels random.
1 - Bad Story. Basically it has no story. It could also be confusing and random with no real goal.


This will be on voice acting, sound effects and music overall. But it'll probably be graded mostly on the overall feeling and put together of the atmosphere and voice acting. How well they go together. How good the music sounds too and if they are used well to give the right moods for the moment.

5 - excellent
4 - good
3 - average
2 - below average
1 - bad


Basically I'm going to rate according to how the graphics appeal to me.. simply, if it looks good enough to watch then it'll get a good rating. If the graphics look really screwy or makes me want to tear my eyes out.. then it'll get a bad rating.

5 - Excellent art/animation. Eye candy.
4 - Good art/animation. Better than average, has smooth graphics and feeling to it that is enjoyable.
3 - Average art/animation. Decent enough graphics to enjoy. May be good but have a few annoying/bad aspects.
2 - Below Average art/animation. Just graphics that aren't up to date and don't look good to me.. can be watchable but graphics may be a huge negative aspect to enjoyment.
1 - Bad art/animation. Like stick figures, choppy.. basically doesn't look like much effort was put into it and may be hard to watch.


This is graded separately from the story. How well the characters are developed themselves.. whether you get to know more about the characters backgrounds or how well they are portrayed from the rest of the characters.

5 - Excellent character development. Character is usually the main focus and they stand out. Character's personalities are explored deeply and their backgrounds are explored to enrich the story further. You can sometimes get more out of the characters themselves than just the story. Memorable. Will learn morals/lessons from the characters.
4 - Good character development. Characters stand out from each other and become unique in their own backgrounds and personalities. This enriches the story further. May learn morals/lessons from the characters.
3 - Average character development. Character backgrounds are known but not thoroughly or deeply. You know enough about the characters to get through the story but not more.
2 - Very little character development. There is little focus on the characters and more focus on other aspects. May have many answers that aren't answered about the characters.
1 - No character development at all or not focused on character background. The characters don't seem consistent and don't stand out in any way.

This will be graded on how much comedy is used and how effective it was. I will include what kind of humor is used too. This score will tell you if it's a more comedy/laid back kind or a more serious genre.

5 - Excellent comedy. Humor is abundant and is used very well, an important focus. (usually makes me laugh out loud nonstop)
4 - Good comedy. There is a moderate use of humor that is thrown in every other scene. Which can be amusing and makes you snicker a few times.
3 - Average comedy. It's a mix of being serious and humorous. Sometimes it's funny and sometimes its not.
2 - Some comedy. It's not the main focus though, and laughs aren't that often.
1 - Not funny at all or it leans more towards being serious.

Overall Rating

This is a score independent from the rest of the grading. Just my overall opinion if it's worth watching or not.

5 - Excellent! I really recommend you watch it. You'll most likely enjoy it.
4 - Good! Recommended. If you're looking for something good to watch.
3 - Decent. You may want to try it. It might be good.
2 - Meh. not very good, but if you have nothing else to do.
1 - Horrible... I recommend you Don't watch it.