Friday, May 28, 2010

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

When 17-year-old Makoto Konno gains the ability to, quite literally, "leap" backwards through time, she immediately sets about improving her grades and preventing personal mishaps. However, she soon realizes that changing the past isn't as simple as it seems, and eventually, will have to rely on her new powers to shape the future of herself and her friends.

Fantasy, Drama, School-Life

Story - 5 (Great)
I thought the story was very well done. It kept me wanting to find out what would happen and interested the whole way through. It's amusing to see what happens to Makoto and those around her as she keeps trying to change things to the way she wants it to(for herself and her friends). It'll also start to make you wonder if what she does starts to have any consequences. The story has some good twists too.. the only thing I had a problem with was the ending solution, but I guess it can be overlooked considering how good everything else was. Besides some unanswered questions.. the ending was pretty decent and fulfilling.

Music/Sound - 5 (Great)

Art/Animation - 4 (Good)

Character - 4 (Good)
The character development was done pretty well for an hr 30min movie. You actually get a sense of what kind of person Makoto is because of her actions and the way she cherishes her friends so much. You also get to learn a bit about her two friends Kousuke and Chiaki and how she feels about them. The three characters have their own personalities that stand out and it's fun seeing them interact. If you compare Makoto from the beginning and the end, you can see that she probably became more mature from her experience.

Humor - 4 (Good)
This anime had a lot of humor in it and I thought it was pretty funny. Not the laugh out loud, can't stop kind.. but it has it's cute moments, and the friends always throwing sarcastic remarks towards each other, and not to mention how Makoto is constantly rolling around and bumping her head on things and appearing out of nowhere to scare people. Probably will get some smirks out of you at least ;p. It has a easy-going feeling and uses humor to appeal to the viewer a lot.

Overall - 5 (Great)
I really recommend everyone to try watching this! It's great.. and you may learn something from it :) and it's just a fun easy-going anime to watch.